*in Zeitz, Germany
2021 Magistra Artium, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
2015 BA Fashion Design, University of Art and Design Linz/ Fashion Institute Vienna


Zone1, Vienna Contemporary with Commune, Vienna, AT
The Last Laugh, Podium Gallery, Hong Kong, HK
Out of Sight, Seen, Kunstforum Wien, Vienna, AT
Naked Came the Stranger, Mauve, Vienna, AT
Conduit House, April in Paris, Aerdenhout, NL
Fine, Thank You, Renata Fabbri, Milan, IT (solo)
Büsten im Kopf, Exhibit Eschenbachgasse, Vienna, AT
A Gift to the Dark, VinVin, Vienna, AT
Talking About C, Harkawik, New York, US (solo)
Try to Look Natural, Pilot, Vienna, AT (solo)
Silver Screen, Harkawik, Los Angeles, US
Keeping up with the Trouble: A Drama, Brut Nordwest, Vienna, AT
Retiring the Attic, with Chloe Seibert, Chris Andrews, Montréal, CA
How exactly like the object, how beautiful! How exactly like the object, how ugly!, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, AT
Tombola IV, New Jörg, Vienna pending objects II, NEW NOW art space, Frankfurt/Main, DE Magistra Artium, graduation show, xhibit, Vienna
Eco Flirt, smolka contemporary X Vienna Biennale for Change
pending objects I, Fünfzigzwanzig, Salzburg
Mixed Feelings curated by Basil Fischler, WAF gallery, Vienna
Alles außer Marzipan, with Julia Haugeneder, Kunstraum Super, Vienna Neue Schläuche Alter Wein, Notgalerie, Vienna
Die Akademie schläft nicht, Palais Liechtenstein, Vienna
Plan D, exhibition project Westbahnstraße X akbild, Vienna
Lobby Royale, Bau 2-6, Vienna
ALL PAPER SHOW, Semperdepot, Vienna
österreichischer Grafikpreis, Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck
Koschatzky Kunstpreis, MUMOK Hofstallungen,Vienna
POPCORN (with Julia Haugeneder), bureau veritas,Vienna 2017
eher monochrom, magdas, Vienna
drawing / together (mit Lukas Hochrieder), Die Raumteiler, Vienna
18/kunstakt, FWP, Vienna

Nominierung Strabag Artaward
Punkt.Strich, Das Manfred, Vienna
Raum 311, magdas, Vienna
ctrl+alt+bm, Hesh Halle, Baia Mare, RO
Letzte Show, Grelle Forelle, Vienna (Group Fashion Performance in Collaboration with Jakob Lena Knebl)
Frühlingserwachen, Landestheater Linz, Linz (Group Fashion Performance)
SHOW, Odeon Theater, Vienna (Group Fashion Performance in Collaboration with Jakob Lena Knebl and Barbara Rüdiger)
Transit, Kunstverein Essenheim, D

works in public collections

Baden State Museum Karlsruhe

Graphic Collection Vienna
Wien Museum Collection